Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 81

30mm: Other manufactures (Sokkia, Seco).
40mm: Other manufacturers.
When available, guidelights can be turned on or off and their intensity set by the user. They are seen
from the prism viewpoint, and are valuable when running robotically from the prism, looking at the instrument. The
field surveyor can see when he is lined up with the instrument by the appearance of the guidelights.
Laser Pointer
: Ideal for indoor or dark evening surveying, this feature causes the instrument to emit a red beam. It
is often used when doing reflectorless work and makes a red mark on the wall, floor or object being surveyed. This
is useful for confirming the position prior to the shot. The beam should not be directed into someone’s vision or
Settings are On or Off.
Power Search Enabled
: The Power Search option may be available with motorized total stations. This option
activates the “PowerSearch” button in the “banner line” at the top of the survey and stakeout screens. When Power
Search is pressed, the total station will typically find the prism in 10 seconds regardless of the direction it is initially
pointed. If it has found one prism and you hit “Power Search” again, it will leave that prism and find the next one.
If you have only two prisms on the job (foresight and backsight), it will conveniently rotate from the foresight to the
backsight and back again each time it is pressed.
Use ATR:
When this feature is enabled, ATR (Auto Target Recognition) will be used when configured to standard
or fast reading. When running the robotic in remote mode with ATR turned on, and when performing a “Set Angle
and Read” in the backsight screen (a standard measured backsight), the ATR connection will be taken into
consideration, so that the angle set is relative to the center of the prism, not necessarily the crosshairs of the
instrument. The “Set Angle” and “Check Angle” functions will still be relative to the crosshairs. With ATR set on
a robotic total station such as a Leica 1200, the prism can be found even if the instrument is not pointed exactly at
the prism. The ATR feature is strong enough to shift the instrument onto the exact center of the prism even if
sighting slightly outside the prism circle itself.
Horizontal Range/Vertical Range
: This is the range that will be used in a Standard Search. When lock is lost,
and the "binoculars" icon appears, tapping the binoculars or "search" icon will conduct a standard search for the
prism through the range of horizontal and vertical angles set, based on the current centering of the instrument. This
feature applies to all robotic total stations.
Power Search or Work Area Settings:
This will define a limiting area for searching. This can speed up both the
standard ATR Search and the PowerSearch. The Work area angle ranges apply to both searches. The Show button
will show the two positions of the search window, first by moving immediately to Position 1. You will be prompted
to press OK to see Position 2. Having defined a “window” of searching, Center will move that window to a new
center position. You will be prompted to “Sight on Centered Position and Press OK”. The Define button prompts
you to shoot the lower left and upper right positions, which are then displayed above under “Work Area”. If the
Work Area is set to start at 0.0000 horizontal, for example, searching would send the instrument to the backsight
Search When Lost Lock:
This feature will auto-search whenever a measurement is taken, if the instrument is not
currently locked on target.
Turn to Point in Stakeout Horizontal/Turn in Vertical:
These options are useful only in stakeout with
motorized total stations, and the effect is to turn to where the stakeout point or position is calculated to be. If Turn
to Vertical is off and only Turn to Horizontal is on, the instrument will retain the current vertical position of the
Tracking and Reflectorless:
The upper left of the screen controls the ATR Search, and the upper right controls
the PowerSearch. The Work area angle ranges apply to both searches. The Show button will show the two
positions of the search window, first by moving immediately to Position 1. You will be prompted to press OK to
see Position 2. The Center option will initially take the standard search horizontal and vertical range and center that
range around the current position of the instrument, for purposes of searching. However, if you Define a new range
(point to a new lower left and upper left position), then Center will use that defined range of motion for any postion
that is sighted. If the Work Area is set to start at 0.0000 horizontal, for example, searching would send the
instrument to the backsight point.