Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 263
The station to stake can also be read from the GPS or total station measurement, allowing you to slope stake "where you
are". You can also get the station by entering a point number, in which case it projects the point onto the centerline to
determine the station. In the non-interval method, the above screen does not appear. You slope stake wherever you are
all the time, and are freed of the constraints of staking a specified station.
The User-Defined and Point-Defined Alignment methods have their own pair of “follow-up” screens for the location to
For flow line or V-ditch staking, a 0 pivot offset would be entered from the point-defined alignment. If the ditch were a
trapezoidal ditch with a 2 meter bottom width, and the alignment was the centerline, each side of the ditch could be
slope staked using a pivot offset of 1 (1/2 of the ditch width from center to pivot point).
Both the Road Design Files and Section Files methods go straight to the navigation (stakeout) screens if no interval is
selected (Stake Station Interval turned off). The pivot offset is built into these methods based on the “rules” outlined
earlier -- you stake from the pivot to cut or fill in templates, and from the extreme left and right points of cross sections.
With interval turned off, slope staking by "User-Entered" method simply asks for the pivot offset and elevation at the
current location, and slope staking by point-defined alignment asks only for pivot offset, obtaining the elevation from
the vertical alignment.
Slope staking cannot occur outside the station range of the horizontal alignment. If your horizontal alignment runs from
station 0 to 308, you can’t stake station -10, either by interval method (naming the station) or by the non-interval, fluid
“where-you-are” method.