Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 331

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The report can be saved to a text file using the “Save to Disk” icon at the top of the screen within “Volume Report”.

Click the “Return” arrow to continue back to the Map screen. If you draw a 3D polyline perimeter connecting points

with elevation representing the outer limits of the volume calculation (using Draw, Polyline, 3D), then you can click on

Inclusion and use the polyline as an inclusion perimeter. You can also use drawn elements on different layers as part of

the volume calculation, if they are 3D, by moving them over to the right-colume using the “Define” button. Volumes

can also be conducted between “File” surfaces, TIN files made with Triangulate & Contour or within the Volume

command itself using the option “Save Surface to File.”

Finally, if you are doing a stockpile and make the effort to put this outer perimeter in the “Perimeter” layer, then you can

select the “Stockpile” option within Volume and it goes directly to the shrink/swell factor screen and then to the report,

without any other selections by the user. This is because the Perimeter layer will define both the inclusion perimeter and

the original surface in this case.