Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 236
You can press Save any time to save your work. Here the template has been saved and named “curb.” Now it is time to
enter the Cut and Fill slopes, which are used in slope staking. If the cut slope is 3:1, but the fill slope is 4:1, you would
select Cut/Fill above and enter as shown. Distinct left side and right side cut and fill slopes can be defined. After entry
of the cut and fill slopes, press OK or Enter to return to the main Template Editor dialog, and press Save. Templates
can be drawn using the command Draw Template.
For highway projects or subdivision roads with cut slopes down to a ditch line, four template definitions may be
necessary for slope staking: (1) Cut Left, Fill Right, (2) Cut Left, Cut Right, (3) Fill Left, Cut Right, (4) Fill Left, Fill
Right. The appropriate template can then be used for any condition. Shown below is the Cut Left, Fill Right for a