Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 160
Stake Station Interval Off
For standard total stations, a measurement must be taken (Enter key or R for Read) to see the Station, Offset and Cut or
Fill. With total stations, dashed lines are drawn from the instrument to the backsight, to the current point being
measured, and perpendicular to the defined line. In the graphic above which applies to robotic total stations, the icons
on the top line indicate battery status (full), prisms are being used, the instrument is locked on the target prism, and
tracking readings are occuring so that the position of the prism can be computed (the triangle). If you choose "Stake
Station Interval" (set in opening screen) when using Stake Line, then you will be prompted for the station to stake, as
shown below:
Stake Station Interval On
Clicking OK (green checkmark) proceeds to the stakeout screen. The settings button on the top of the screen, left of the
green checkmark, will let you stakeout the precise end of the alignment (in addition to even stations), extend the
alignment and do many other special features such as load a list of targeted stations and offsets to stakeout along the
alignment. In the graphic stakeout screen, you will be advised to move to the target point based on the Viewpoint
settings under Equipment, Configure, Viewpoint tab. It is recommended to click on "Use CL for Reference Object
(when applicable)" when the horizontal alignment is clearly visible or known in the field. Otherwise, you could use the
instrument as reference for total station work, moving in or left and right as you face the instrument. Here, the
reference is the alignment itself, and you are advised to move In towards the alignment and Forward along the