Orientation (advanced occupation) – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
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You have the option to transfer the elevation from a single benchmark by taking a reading on it, any number
of times, in any face. You may also use multiple benchmark points, any number of times, in any face. If you turn
on Direct and Reverse for Resection in Configuration, Sets tab, robotic instruments will perform a D&R
automatically for remote elevation readings as well.
The readings taken on the benchmark are reported in the Results dialog. All of the readings taken will
determine an average instrument point elevation.
Click Store to update the instrument point elevation. A store point record will be recorded to the raw data
Orientation (Advanced Occupation)
The Advanced Occupation command allows for multiple points to be used to orient the backsight, conducting a least
squares analysis on all measurements taken. It is sometimes referred to as the "Multiple Backsight" command. The
Advanced Occupation command will also locate the occupied point if sufficient measurements are taken, allowing for
the storing or overwriting of the occupied point coordinates. The appearance of this option in the backsight screen is
itself dependent on turning on the "Show Advanced Backsight" option within Configuration. This leads to a third "tab"
option within the Store Points, Stake Points and other commands involving backsights, called "Occupation", short for
"Advanced Occupation".