Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 253
Input-Edit Template Grade Table
Very complex roads such as exit ramps, with widening and shrinking lane widths and slopes that do not follow a simple
superelevation pattern but instead adapt to meet grades of intersecting roads, can be defined using the Template Grade
Table feature. Although template series files can be used to model any road, the creation of multiple templates,
including all lanes, can be a labor-intensive process compared to entering the precise slope and width for particular
template ID points. These slopes and widths are often provided in tabular form in the design documents, so direct entry
of the slope/width data, applied to the appropriate template ID or several IDs, is often the most efficient way to handle
complex road conditions.
Consider a template that goes from the center of the road to SH and then to SH2. The second segment is always 8 feet
dimension at a fixed slope. The first lane, from centerline, is paved and has variable width and slope. The template
grade table is applied to the first lane, after which the normal template rules apply. After selecting the command, you
name your new (or existing) template grade table, and then the template that it is associated with. This leads to the
screen shown below:
The normal slopes of -2% to the edge of pavement (inner edge of shoulder) and -4% to the outer edge of the shoulder
would apply if the template behaved normally. But if you click Edit on the right shoulder, for example, you can enter
station-based lane widths and slopes as shown below: