Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 337

Reference Closing Point
Key in the initial occupied point number for the “Reference Closing Point #:” and toggle on the “Apply Angle Balance”
option, followed by the “OK” button, as shown in the next figure below.
Closed Traverse
In a closed traverse scenario, the reference closing point will always be your initial occupied point name.
Note that you will need two known points, or one point and a known azimuth, for a closed traverse. The angle balance
point will be the same location as the original backsight and will not be adjusted.
Open Traverse
In an open traverse scenario, the reference closing point will be a stored point name or coordinates that represents the
known values for the last occupied point in the traverse.
Note that you will need two known points, or one point and a known azimuth, at the beginning and at the end of an open
traverse; one point at the end will be used to close on and other will be used for angle balance (when Angle Balance is
applied). The angle balance point will be the same as the last foresight point in the traverse and will not be adjusted.
Traverse Points
You’ll notice in the Angle Balance Measurement figure below, since you keyed in the data yourself, that the number of
traverse points in this survey is 7. Since point 7 was only measured to avoid and record the closing angle balance
measurement by hand, in this example the traverse is only from points 1 through 6. Replace the 7 in the “Ending Point
Number” input box with a 6, as shown in this next figure immediately below, followed by the “OK” button.
Note that point 6 should be the same location as point number 1 in a closed traverse.