Set Collection works best with radio linkage (radio alone or radio with RC), but has limited functionality in RC only
mode. Robotic sets use BD-FD/FR-BR observation order. Note, “non-robotic” sets can be done with a robotic total
station. The “Angle Only in Reverse Face” can be toggled on for faster Face 2 readings. “Auto Turn,” available for all
observation orders but Robotic Set, will turn the gun automatically to all known points. An hourglass will appear when
Robotic Sets is selected, during which time FAST Survey initiates constantly streaming data. When in robotic Set
Collection, an option to obtain the Robotic screen (search and joystick features) is available. After all sets are collected,
the user is prompted whether to move to a new setup station, collect still more sets, or review the set data. Close this
dialog and Set Collection is complete for that backsight and foresight.
Topcon APL1
This is an older Topcon robotic total station with excellent tracking.
It’s a larger instrument often used in construction and machine control applications. It communicates only by radio with
the 2ASx type radios. You must set the Com parameters on APL1. You only have to do this once.
Turn the APL1 on.