Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 340

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Surveying office software. (FAST Survey’s FCL file is equivalent to Carlson’s Field-to-Finish FLD Table used in their

PC office software. Transfer all PC Field-to-finish FLD table files using SurveyCOM or Carlson Export. Select the

Field Code Table option to upload the FLD file to FAST Survey as a FLC file.)

Defining Field Code Line/Layer Properties
To define codes with line/layer drawn features and, optionally, GIS prompting, select in the Code List pop-up box

“Add” (as shown in the previous figure). The following Add Code pop-up box allows the operator to define Field Code

Line/Layer drawing properties.


: Input one-word Field Code

Layer Name

: Defines the layer the linework 2D & 3D will draw in using Store Points

Full Text

: User defined full text description for code

Polyline On

: Yes or No defines to draw or not to draw between similar codes e.g. EP, EP1

Polyline is 3D

: Yes or No Yes draws in 3D, No in 2D

New Attributes:

This highlights after inputting all the Line/Layer drawing properties

The following EP code has been input in the FCL file. When Surveying using Store Points in the Survey menu, inputting

field codes EP, EP1, EP2 and so on will draw 3D Polylines between these similar codes in the EOP layer. A 3D

Polyline will be drawn in real-time when collecting data and inputting EP or EP# codes in Surveyed points descriptions.
As mentioned above, “New Attributes” becomes highlighted after inputting all the Line/Layer drawing properties. GIS

prompting information can be added for this field code. If no GIS prompting is applicable for this field code, simply

pick OK and create another field code, or exit and store the FCL file.