Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 66
You can survey points outside the pattern by simply entering a different code. The program will then resume
auto-assigning the code based on the recognized pattern. Whenever Auto-Detect is on, it is advisable to review the
automated code to be certain it matches what is intended. The button: "1.2.." in the HGT/Desc dialog gives you the
option to:
- turn ON/OFF auto-detect pattern.
- check the codes that are making the pattern.
- skip a code.
- clear the codes that are making the pattern.
When conducting field measurements in the command Store Points, if an existing line created by Field Codes is clicked,
on the line but away from the corner points (to avoid Point Details), then an advanced "Line Details" option appears as
The line from 15 to 14 is picked near the X shown at left. Because the picked position is sufficiently distant from the
corner point, the program recognizes that a line has been selected and "Line Details" options appear. If the line is
extended, it will extend from point 15 based on the next measured point. If the line is deleted, it will be erased. Codes,
status and layers can be changed. If the goal is to start a new line from the nearest endpoint (14) to the next measured
position, then the "New Line" option would be selected. The new line could be a fence line in a completely new layer,
as shown below:
In this way, new lines can start from end points of existing lines without the need to re-survey them (which saves time
and is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas). Even though only one new measurement was taken in this example, a
2-point line is drawn, and the code for point 14 is updated to include the original text as well as the new text. The
program cautiously uses both the start code (ST) and the concept of the numerical version of the code (FL becomes FL1,
first fence line) to start the line, even though the combination of FL1 and ST is redundant. If point 79 is the end of the
line, and "END" is the special code to end a line, then point 79 is coded FL1 END.