Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 251

The Template Series approach can even be used to transition from normal crown to superelevation, avoiding the need to
use superelevation files. The Template Series approach is commonly used to expand the width of a lane to
accommodate, for example, a passing lane. Since template IDs must match, if a “special slope” lane “appears” for a
certain station range, then the Template Series approach can still be used as long as you add the extra ID point (e.g.
EP2) to the normal template, perhaps making that point 0.001 units in dimension initially. In the second, transitional
template, the EP2 lane can have the full width of 3.5 meters or 12 feet or whatever applies. If the transition starts at
station 500 and ends at station 600, EP2, will be 1.75 meters or 6 feet or exactly half the full dimension at station 550.
Starting with the demo.tpl file, with a 10’ lane to ID “EP” followed by a 6’ shoulder lane to ID “SH”, you can make
another template called Road.tpl, with a 12’ lane to “EP” and an 8’ shoulder to “SH”. Note how we have made sure to
use the same ID for the road lane (“EP”) and the shoulder lane (“SH”).
If the demo.tpl is used from station 0 to 500, and the Road.tpl is used from 600 to the end of the project at station 1000,
then the entry process for a Template Series is as follows: