Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 320
This command is often used for creating points on centerlines. Note the program resets the interval at break points like
PI’s and PC’s. Note that you can choose to create more points at a smaller interval going around curves.
Triangle Calculator (TC):
Goes directly from the MAP view to the Triangle calculator. See COGO - Calculator for detail.
Curve Calculator (CC):
Shortcut to the curve calculator, then returns to MAP. See COGO - Calculator for detail.
Area (AR):
This will report the area of any picked polyline. If you pick an unclosed polyline, the program will draw a temporary
line for the closing segment and report the area.
Hinged Area (HA):
This command can be used to determine the dimensions of a figure when the area is fixed and three or more sides are
known. The figure must be defined by a closed polyline. After executing the command, select the polyline. Next, select
the hinge point. The polyline segment clockwise from your hinge point will be the segment to move. FAST Survey will
then ask you if you want to keep the existing polyline. If you answer Yes, a new polyline with the desired area is
created, if you answer No, the polyline you pick is modified. Next, the current area of the polyline is shown. At this
point, enter the new area in the units specified under Job Settings. (If your units are set to feet, the area will be specified
in square feet). See the top figure below.