File – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 287
If you have assigned attributes to the points (e.g. Description Pole, Type-Metal, Wires-4, etc.) by use of the Feature
Code capabilities, these attributes can be reviewed. The Point Details option works both within the MAP screen (when
you are not being prompted for entering points or selecting objects) and in all graphic screens within the Menu options.
It is not as transparent and available as the dynamic pan option, but nearly so.
Unless you are in the middle of a Map screen command, you can also click on a line and see Line Details. Clicking the
line at the lower edge of the drawing (a blue ditch line) leads to a simple Line Details display:
You have the option to delete the line or change its layer. If the polyline (a line with 2 or more vertices) has different
elevations on some of the vertices, then it is designated a "3D Polyline". A more advanced Line Details is provided
when using Feature Codes within the Store Points command, allowing extension of lines and new lines from vertices on
the polyline. The advanced Line Details is discussed under File, Feature Code List.
DXF File - Import DXF (IDXF)
Similar to the AutoCAD(r) DXFIN command, will bring in polylines from AutoCAD, Microstation, Terramodel and
other products that can export data into a DXF file format. Points, text and blocks such as symbols are not imported.
However, many software packages such as Carlson Survey and Carlson Civil allow text to be converted into polylines –
in which case the text will import for reference.