Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 63

correct special codes that are active. Geopak also requires points to process linework, so it will not respond to
the OH feature and the CLR feature, unless "Create Points for All Linework Elements" is turned on within
Settings. (This option appears only if the program detects coding systems requiring the option). Otherwise,
OH will create offset lines, for example, with no associated points.
The various coding systems used by different state highway departments can be loaded at the following
The DOT FCL files are all available at
- Support - Knowledge Base, article 388.
Category: SurvCE
Topic ID: 388
Title: DOT Feature Code Lists
Also, the following link will open the Knowledge Base 388 article.
Other Settings
Use FCL Path to Store *.GIS:
It is recommended that this option be clicked on. If your feature code file is in the
\data subdirectory, then the ".GIS" files which contain attributes will be placed in the \data subdirectory also. This
keeps the attribute prompting linked to the feature code (.fcl) file. If GIS attributing is being used, you can store the
GIS data directly into any special subdirectory used for the applicable Feature Code List. So if you maintain several
feature code lists, each with attributing specified for certain descriptions, the GIS attribute data can be placed in the
directory of the associated feature code file. The only advantage of turning this off is if you wanted attributing to be
associated with the job file as opposed to the feature code list.
Store GIS Line Data to Vertices
: When lines are created by field coding, points at the vertices are also created (except
for features created by RECT and OH). In addition to associating attribute data with the linework itself, you can click
this option to store the GIS attribute data to each point on the line that was surveyed.
Use FCL Only
: If this option is selected, the Height/Description prompt screen shows only the feature codes in the list,
and will not display others descriptions used in the current job. This simplifies the code selection process when the goal
is to more strictly limit codes to those in the list. However, you will obtain extra prompting when you use different
coding, not in the list (see below).