2 modes of operation, 2 spi signal description, 1 master in / slave out ( miso ) – Freescale Semiconductor MPC5200B User Manual

Page 603: 2 master out / slave in ( mosi ), 3 serial clock ( sck ), 4 slave-select ( ss ), Modes of operation -1, Spi signal description -2, Master in/slave out (miso) -2, Master out/slave in (mosi) -2

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MPC5200B Users Guide, Rev. 1


Freescale Semiconductor

SPI Signal Description


Modes of Operation

The SPI functions in the following three modes:

Run Mode—The normal mode of operation.

Wait Mode—The SPI can be configured to operate in low-power mode. Based on the internal bit state, the SPI can operate normally
when the CPU is in wait mode or the SPI clock generation can be turned off and the SPI module enters a power conservation state
during wait mode. During wait mode, any master transmission in progress stops. Transmission and reception resumes when the SPI
exits wait mode.

Stop Mode—This mode is system dependent. The SPI enters the stop mode when the module clock is disabled (held high or low).
If the SPI is in master mode and exchanging data when the processor enters stop mode, the transmission stops until the processor
exits stop mode.


SPI Signal Description

Table 17-1

shows external SPI signals and their properties. These signals may connect off-chip. Detailed signal descriptions are given in the

sections below.


Master In/Slave Out (MISO)

MISO is one of two SPI module pins that transmit serial data. MISO is an input when the SPI is configured as a master and an output when
the SPI is configured as a slave.

If the bidirectional serial pin mode is selected as a slave, MISO becomes a slave in/slave out (SISO) and the direction is controlled by the
associated bit in the SPI port data direction register.

In a multiple-master system, all MISO pins are tied together.


Master Out/Slave In (MOSI)

MOSI is one of two SPI module pins that transmit serial data. MOSI is an output when the SPI is configured as a master and an input when
the SPI is configured as a slave.

If the bidirectional serial pin mode is selected as a master, MOSI becomes master out/master in (MOMI) and the direction is controlled by the
associated bit in the SPI port data direction register.

In a multiple-master system, all MOSI pins are tied together.


Serial Clock (SCK)

The serial clock synchronizes data transmissions between master and slave devices. SCK is an output if the SPI is configured as a master and
SCK is an input if the SPI is configured as a slave.

In master mode the Serial Clock is derived from the IPB clock.

In a multiple-master system, all SCK pins are tied together.


Slave-Select (SS)

The slave-select output or input provides a means of selectively enabling slaves so several may coexist in one system. SS is either a
general-purpose output (SSOE = 0) or the slave select output (SSOE = 1) when the SPI is in master mode and the associated data direction
bit is set.

Table 17-1. SPI External Signal Descriptions

Signal Name




Reset State



Master Data In/Slave Data Out




Master Data Out/Slave Data In




Serial Clock




Slave Select




SPI ports MISO, MOSI, SCK, and SS are GPIO ports when SPI is disabled (SPE=0).