Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 988

Fabric OS Command Reference
SNMPv1 Configuration Parameters
The agent supports six communities and their associated trap recipients and trap recipient severity
levels. The first three communities are for read-write (rw) access and the last three are for read-only (ro)
access. The default value for the trap recipient of each community is The length of the
community string should be in the range of 2 to 16 characters. The default values for the community
strings include the following:
Community 1: Secret Code
Community 2: OrigEquipMfr
Community 3: private
Community 4: public
Community 5: common
Community 6: FibreChannel
When an FCS policy is enabled, community strings can be changed on the primary FCS switch only, and
only the primary FCS switch propagates changes across the fabric.
For an SNMP management station to receive a trap generated by the agent, the administrator must
configure a trap recipient to correspond to the IP address of the management station. In addition, the trap
recipient must be able to pass the access control list (ACL) check as described in the Access Control
Trap Recipient Severity Level
When an event occurs and its severity level is at or below the set value, the Event Trap traps
(swEventTrap, connUnitEventTrap and swFabricWatchTrap), are sent to configured trap recipients. By
default, this value is set at 0, implying that no Event Trap is sent. Possible values are
0 None
1 Critical
2 Error
3 Warning
4 Informational
5 Debug
SNMPv3 Configuration Parameters
Two user roles, snmpadmin and snmpuser are supported. The snmpadmin role provides read-write
access and the snmpuser role provides read-only access. Entries are added to the USM table
corresponding to each role. A total of three entries for snmpadmin and snmpuser respectively are
supported. Separate default passwords are provided for creation of authKey and privKey for each entry.
The default set of passwords is published and the default algorithm (MD5/SHA) is used to create the
initial set of authentication keys. You can change these passwords using this option. You can select the
authentication protocol MD5/SHA or no authentication for each entry.
The following combinations of protocols are supported:
The user name must be between 2 and 32 characters long. The default user names are defined with the
noAuth and noPriv protocol. The factory default SNMPv3 user names include the following:
User 1: snmpadmin1
User 2: snmpadmin2
User 3: snmpadmin3
User 4: snmpuser1