Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
Page 229
Fabric OS Command Reference
In addition, this command set includes the following display commands. Output may vary depending on
your configuration. Refer to the Appendix of the Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide for a more
comprehensive explanation of system states.
Use the --show -container -all -stat command for runtime status information on all CryptoTarget
containers in the encryption group. The display includes the following information:
Encryption group name: user-define label
Number of containers numeric value
For each container:
Container name: user-defined label
Type: disk or tape
EE node: The node WWN
EE slot: the slot number for the encryption engine
Target: The target port WWN
Target PID: The target PID
VT: The virtual target port WWN
VT PID: The virtual target PID
Number of hosts: numeric value
Number of tape sessions (or rekey sessions): numeric value
Host: The port WWN
Host PID: The host PID
VI: The virtual initiator port WWN
VI PID: The virtual initiator PID
Number of LUNs: numeric value
LUN number: numeric ID
LUN type: disk or tape drive, tape medium changer, tape attached medium changer, tape
offline/unknown, or unsupported/other
LUN serial number: The LUN serial number
Encryption mode: encrypt or cleartext
Encryption format: (brocade) native or DF-compatible
Tape policy type: pool-based, LUN-based
Encrypt existing data: disabled or enabled
Rekey: disabled or enabled
Key life: the key life span (in days)
Volume/Pool label: the label for the tape volume or tape pool
Internal EE LUN state: Encrypted, Cleartext, or Disabled (Data state is cleartext but metadata
exists on the LUN, or vice versa.)
Encryption algorithm: AES256-ECB (DF_compatible), AES256-GCM (native) or None
Key ID state: Read, Write, or Key ID not applicable
Key ID: The Key ID (if available)
New LUN: Yes or No
Replication LUN type: Primary or Mirror
Tape session number: numeric value
Number of uncompressed blocks: numeric value