Rockwell Automation 5370-CVIM2 Module User Manual
Page 439

Chapter 7
Inspection Tools
Here is a brief definition and explanation of each of the expanded result
types listed in Figure 7.161.
Execute –– This returns a
when the tool has executed its inspection
task, and
for all other conditions.
Pass –– This returns a
when the tool has passed its inspection task,
for all other conditions.
Warn –– This returns an “error code” when the tool is in a warn
condition (and not in a fail condition) and
for all other conditions.
The error code identifies a specific reason for the warning; for example,
error code
identifies “Low range warning” as the cause. The
complete list of error codes and warn conditions appears in Appendix A
of this manual.
Fail –– This returns an “error code” when the tool is in a fail condition,
for all other conditions. The error code identifies a specific
reason for the failure; for example, error code
identifies “High
range fail” as the cause of the inspection failure. The complete list of
error codes and fail conditions appears in Appendix A of this manual.
Total –– This returns the total number of inspections performed.
Faults –– This returns the total number of faults detected.
Result –– This returns the decimal equivalent of a bit–mapped
hexadecimal value that represents the pass/fail status of up to 32
sub–windows. Thus, the low–order bit represents sub–window 1, while
the high–order bit represents sub–window 32.
For example, a hex value of 2A would indicate that sub–windows 2, 4,
and 6 had failed. In this example, the decimal equivalent for hex 2A,
which is 42, would appear as the result value in a math formula.
Window# –– This returns the results value from a specific sub–window
(for single math operations) or the results values from several
sub–windows (for multiple math operations).
For single math operations, the pound sign should be replaced with the
number of a specific sub–window.
For multiple math operations, the pound sign should not be replaced