Rockwell Automation 5370-CVIM2 Module User Manual
Page 435

Chapter 7
Inspection Tools
Result –– This field displays an eight–digit hexadecimal number. Each of
the 32 bit positions represents the pass/fail status of the corresponding
sub–window. (A “0” bit indicates that the sub–window has passed; a “1”
bit indicates that it has failed.) For example, the hex number 0x00000021
indicates that sub–windows 1 and 6 have failed (bit positions 1 and 6 are
set to “1”), while sub–windows 2 – 5 (and any sub–windows above 6)
have passed (bit positions 2 – 5 and 7 – 32 are all set to “0”).
This hexadecimal “result” value is not range checked by the multiple
windows tool; instead, it is made available to math tools, and to host
systems through the communication ports.
Label –– This field enables you to select an appropriate name tag for each
sub–window. When the sub–window is repositioned, the name tag moves
with it.
Here is a brief description of each button in the toolset edit panel:
↑ –– Use the
button to select a new sub–window and insert it
before (above) the highlighted sub–window in the list box.
↓ –– Use the
button to select a new sub–window and insert it
after (below) the highlighted sub–window in the list box.
Cut –– Use the
button to delete (and save in a “clipboard”) the
highlighted sub–window in the list box.
Copy –– Use the
button to copy into a “clipboard” the highlighted
sub–window in the list box. After copying, the next step is pasting the
copied sub–window (see the Paste
↑ and Paste↓ button descriptions
↑ –– Use the
button to “paste” a copied sub–window from
the “clipboard” and insert it before (above) the highlighted sub–window.
↓ –– Use the
button to “paste” a copied sub–window from
the “clipboard” and insert it after (below) the highlighted sub–window.
P&P Window –– The
button activates the window pick and
place function. For details about this function, see Chapter 5, Pick and
Place Functions.
Ranges –– The
button accesses the range–selection panel, which
defines inspection result limits for the highlighted sub–window.
NOTE: Range limits set for one sub–window are independent of range
limits set for any other sub–window. Also, range limits do not apply to
Multiple Windows
tool itself –– only to the sub–windows.
Done –– When you pick the
button, the system exits back to the
toolset edit panel.