Altera IP Compiler for PCI Express User Manual
Page 244

Chapter 15: Testbench and Design Example
Chaining DMA Design Example
IP Compiler for PCI Express User Guide
August 2014
Altera Corporation
as well as other miscellaneous status registers.
—This module arbitrates PCI Express packets issued by the
submodules altpcierd_dma_prg_reg, altpcierd_read_dma_requester,
and altpcierd_dma_descriptor.
—This module contains the chaining DMA control
registers which get programmed by the software application or BFM driver.
—This module retrieves the DMA read or write
descriptor from the BFM shared memory, and stores it in a descriptor FIFO.
This module issues upstream PCI Express TLPs of type Mrd.
, altpcierd_read_dma_requester_128—For each
descriptor located in the altpcierd_descriptor FIFO, this module transfers data
from the BFM shared memory to the endpoint memory by issuing MRd PCI
Express transaction layer packets. altpcierd_read_dma_requester is used with
the 64-bit Avalon-ST IP core. altpcierd_read_dma_requester_128 is used with
the 128-bit Avalon-ST IP core.
altpcierd_write_dma_requester, altpcierd_write_dma_requester_128
each descriptor located in the altpcierd_descriptor FIFO, this module transfers
data from the endpoint memory to the BFM shared memory by issuing MWr
PCI Express transaction layer packets. altpcierd_write_dma_requester is used
with the 64-bit Avalon-ST IP core. altpcierd_write_dma_requester_128 is used
with the 128-bit Avalon-ST IP core.
—This modules monitors the available space of the
RX Buffer; It prevents RX Buffer overflow by arbitrating memory read request
issued by the application.
, altpcierd_cdma_ecrc_check_128—This
module checks for and flags PCI Express ECRC errors on TLPs as they are
received on the Avalon-ST interface of the chaining DMA.
is used with the 64-bit Avalon-ST IP core.
is used with the 128-bit Avalon-ST IP core.
, altpcierd_cdma_rx_ecrc_64_altcrc.v,
—These modules contain the CRC32 checking
Megafunction used in the altpcierd_ecrc_check_64 module. The .v files are
used for synthesis. The .vo file is used for simulation.
—This module generates PCI Express ECRC and
appends it to the end of the TLPs transmitted on the Avalon-ST TX interface of
the chaining DMA. This module instantiates the altpcierd_cdma_gen_ctl_64,
, and altpcierd_cdma_gen_datapath modules.
, altpcierd_cdma_ecrc_gen_ctl_128—This
module controls the data stream going to the altpcierd_cdma_tx_ecrc module
for ECRC calculation, and generates controls for the main datapath
gen_datapath—This module routes the Avalon-ST data
through a delay pipe before sending it across the Avalon-ST interface to the IP
core to ensure the ECRC is available when the end of the TLP is transmitted
across the Avalon-ST interface.
—This module instantiates the TX ECRC core.