Upgrading ip cores at the command line – Altera IP Compiler for PCI Express User Manual

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Chapter 2: Getting Started

Upgrading Outdated IP Cores

IP Compiler for PCI Express User Guide

August 2014

Altera Corporation

2. To simultaneously upgrade all IP cores that support automatic upgrade, click

Perform Automatic Upgrade

. The Status and Version columns update when

upgrade is complete. Example designs provided with any Altera IP core
regenerate automatically whenever you upgrade the IP core.

Upgrading IP Cores at the Command Line

You can upgrade IP cores that support auto upgrade at the command line. IP cores
that do not support automatic upgrade do not support command line upgrade.

To upgrade a single IP core that supports auto-upgrade, type the following

–ip_upgrade –variation_files .<hdl>

Example: quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files mega/pll25.v hps_testx

To simultaneously upgrade multiple IP cores that support auto-upgrade, type the
following command:

–ip_upgrade –variation_files “.;

Example: quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files
"mega/pll_tx2.v;mega/pll3.v" hps_testx


IP cores older than Quartus II software version 12.0 do not support upgrade. Altera
verifies that the current version of the Quartus II software compiles the previous
version of each IP core. The

MegaCore IP Library Release Notes

reports any verification

exceptions for MegaCore IP. The

Quartus II Software and Device Support Release Notes

reports any verification exceptions for other IP cores. Altera does not verify
compilation for IP cores older than the previous two releases.

Figure 2–4. Upgrading IP Cores

Displays upgrade
status for all IP cores
in the Project

Upgrades all IP core that support “Auto Upgrade”

Upgrades individual IP cores unsupported by “Auto Upgrade”

Checked IP cores

support “Auto Upgrade”

“Auto Upgrade”


Double-click to
individually migrate