MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 391

Run button–the run button starts the scope trace. It turns green when the
scope is running and white when the scope is stopped.
The pulldown menu attached to the run button lists the sweep modes.
Continuous Sweep—The scope traces the signals continuously while in the
run state. This is the scope’s default setting. If you change to the Continuous
Sweep mode from the Program Control or Single Sweep modes, the scope
immediately goes to the run state.
Program Control—Station Manager Run and Stop buttons start and stop the
scope. The scope’s run state will synchronize with the Station Manager’s
test state. When changing to Program Control (from Continuous Sweep or
Single Sweep), the scope will immediately match the current program mode.
Single Sweep—The scope traces signals for a single pass and stops. The
Run button must be pressed to acquire another sweep. When changing to
Single Sweep (from Continuos Sweep or Program Control) the scope will
immediately switch to run.
Holding the cursor over the Run button displays the current sweep mode.
Stop button–the stop button stops the scope trace. It turns white when the
scope is running and red when the scope is stopped.
Setup button–displays the Scope Setup window.
Add/Remove Signal Pair button–this button adds up to four signal pairs to
the plot. Signal pairs are used for Time (Y1, Y2), X/Y, and Frequency plot
Auto-Scale button–the Auto-scale button turns auto-scaling on and off. When
enabled, auto-scaling continuously adjusts the scope to accommodate
increasing signal amplitudes.
Rescale button–rescaling scales the axes to display all traces.
Same Scale button–the Same Scale button turns same scaling on and off.
Same scaling sets all axis scales to the greatest Units/Div value. Only signals
having the same dimension are adjusted. When the icon displays a balanced
scale the same scale function is applied.
Synch Station Channel button–the Synch Station Channel button turns
“syncing” on and off. Setting this button to “sync” (when the icon displays
loops joined) allows you to assign the control channel currently selected on
Station Setup to both scope Channel selections. To assign this channel, you
must click the Sync Current Channel button on the Station Setup window
The control mode Signal selections will remain as currently selected.
MTS Series 793 Control Software 391
Scopes and Meters