MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 350

e) Enter the required Fullscale Min/Max values.
9. Set Fullscale Min/Max values for each calculated output signal.
a) Select Calculated Outputs on the Station Setup navigation pane.
b) Select a calculated output signal.
c) Select the Calculation tab.
d) Enter the required Fullscale Min/Max values.
10. Set Fullscale Min/Max values for each calculated auxiliary input signal.
a) Select Auxiliary Inputs on the Station Setup navigation pane.
b) Select a calculated auxiliary input signal.
c) Select the Calculation tab.
d) Enter the required Fullscale Min/Max values.
11. Edit calculation parameters.
a) In the Station Manager window’s toolbar, select the Configuration access level.
b) On the Station Manager window Tools menu, select Calculations Editor.
c) Select Calculation Parameters on the Calculation Editor navigation pane.
The displayed list includes all parameters that can be used as constants in equations for calculated
input or calculated output channels.
d) Select the appropriate constant from the Calculation Parameters list. Edit the constant as required.
12. Define equations for calculated input signals.
a) Select Calculated Analog Inputs on the Calculation Editor navigation pane. The expanded list displays
all inputs for which calculations must be provided and represents the inputs used by the PIDF control
or other user-defined purposes.
b) Select the desired calculated input signal from the list.
c) Enter required equation in the expression window.
Type text, select Insert function buttons, or click on selections from the Functions or Signals list.
Use the Apply button to enter each definition. Errors are displayed in the results panel. If there are no
errors, the results panel displays the word Success.
d) Repeat calculation editing until all calculated inputs are defined.
13. Define equations for calculated output signals.
a) Select Calculated Analog Outputs on the Calculation Editor navigation pane. The expanded list displays
all outputs for which calculations must be provided and represents the outputs that may be used as
commands for servovalves or other user-defined purposes.
350 MTS Series 793 Control Software
Calculated Signals