How to apply hydraulics – MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 308

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A station interlock prevents an HSM start but permits an HPU start. The HSM is a station resource and cannot
start when a station interlock is active. An HPU is considered an external device and can be started with an
active station interlock (even if it has caused the interlock).

Systems without hydraulic power

On test systems that do not control hydraulic power, the Station Controls panel displays “No power configured”
and has an Interlock button to apply interlocks. A station with no HPU or HSM assigned must be interlocked
before a new parameter set can be loaded. The Interlock button can be used to generate this required interlock.

System with calculated outputs

Systems that use calculated outputs to drive servovalves connected to multiple independent HSMs may
experience control problems. For example, a road simulator with the lateral and longitudinal drive actuators
connected to two different HSMs may experience unexpected motion on one corner when only one HSM is
turned on.


For systems with calculated outputs and multiple independent HSMs, turning on only one HSM
can result in unexpected or exaggerated actuator motion.

Unexpected or exaggerated actuator motion can injure anyone in its path.

For these systems, always use the All Off, All Low, and All High buttons on the Station Controls
panel for hydraulic control.

How to Apply Hydraulics

On the Station Manager window’s Station Controls panel:

1. Click Reset to clear interlocks.

If the interlock remains on, use the Message Logs window to identify and correct the cause of the interlock


Hydraulic pressure application can cause high force actuator motion and hardware position

High force actuator motion can cause personal injury or damage to your equipment or

Ensure that all equipment and personnel are clear of all system fixtures before you apply
hydraulic pressure to the system.

2. Start the HPU.

a) Click HPU Power Low.

b) Click HPU Power High.

The buttons stop flashing when pressure is reached.

308 MTS Series 793 Control Software

Using Station Manager to Run Tests