MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 368

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d) Set up a displacement control mode, selecting <> for an input hardware resource.

2. Use Station Builder to create a compression channel.

a) Select Channels on the Station Builder navigation pane.

b) Select <> for your calculated channel’s output hardware resource.

c) Enter a desired channel name (for example, Compression)

d) Set up a displacement control mode, selecting <> for an input hardware resource.

e) Set up a load control mode, selecting <> for an input hardware resource.

3. Use Station Builder to create required auxiliary inputs: right/left load and right/left stroke.

a) Select Auxiliary Input on the Station Builder navigation pane.

b) Select a hardware resource for the right actuator load signal (for example, 493.25 DC-Slot 3-1).

c) Enter a desired signal name (Right Load)

d) Select signal Dimension and Display Units.

e) Repeat steps B-D for Left Load, Right Stroke, and Left Stroke.

4. Use the Station Builder to create calculated outputs to drive each actuator servovalve.

a) In the Station Builder navigation pane, select Calculated Outputs.

b) On the Hardware Resources list, select the resource you want to allocate for the servovalve, and then

click +.

c) Enter the desired name signal name (Right Out)

d) Set Volts for Dimension and V for Display Units for the valve’s calculated output signal.

e) Repeat for the second servovalve (Left Out).

5. In Station Manager, complete the following in the desired station configuration file:

a) In the Station Manager window’s toolbar, select the Calibration access level.

b) Set Fullscale Min/Max values for each calculated input signal.

c) Set Fullscale Min/Max values for each calculated output signal.

6. In Station Manager, define the required calculation for each calculated input signal.

a) In the Station Manager window’s toolbar, select the Configuration access level.

b) On the Station Manager window Tools menu, select Calculations Editor.

c) Select Calculated Analog Inputs on the Calculation Editor window navigation pane. The expanded list

displays all inputs for which calculations must be provided.

368 MTS Series 793 Control Software

Calculated Signals