MTS Series 793 User Manual
Page 269

ALC Tab Settings
Sets how quickly compensation values get applied to converge the
feedback and command signal amplitudes.
Ampl. Convergence
Min—Fixed at 0.
Amplitude MIN/MAX
Max—Sets the factor by which the compensated command’s amplitude
can exceed the original command’s amplitude.
Sets how quickly compensation values get applied to converge the
feedback and command signal frequencies.
Freq Convergence
Min—Sets the minimum factor by which the compensated command’s
frequency can exceed the original command’s frequency.
Frequency MIN/MAX
Max—Sets the maximum factor by which the compensated command’s
frequency can exceed the original command’s frequency.
Hold All—Continues to use current values but stops adapting new values.
Adaptive State
Resume All—Adapts and continuously updates compensation values.
Clears acquired compensation values and restarts the adaptation process.
Reset All
Clicking Reset All with compensation applied may produce a spike in the
feedback signal.
How to Set Up Arbitrary End-Level Compensators (ALC)
1. Select an access level of Tuning.
2. In the Station Setup window’s navigation pane, locate and select the Channels control mode to receive
In the Station Setup window, click
4. On the Compensators panel, click the ALC tab.
Changes in compensation values made with hydraulic pressure on can result in unexpected
actuator movement.
A moving actuator can injure anyone in its path.
Always clear the actuator area before changing compensation values.
5. In the ALC tab, define ALC values:
a) Set the Ampl. Convergence.
MTS Series 793 Control Software 269
Station Setup