How to set up aic compensators – MTS Series 793 User Manual

Page 258

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6. Install a dummy specimen.

7. Set up a random noise program.

8. Run the random noise program and optimize system response.

How to Set Up AIC Compensators

1. Access the AIC compensator.

a) Select an access level of Tuning.

b) In the Station Setup window navigation pane, locate and select the control mode that is to receive AIC



In the Station Setup window, click


d) In the Compensators panel, click the AIC tab.


Changes in compensation values made with hydraulic pressure on can result in unexpected
actuator movement.

A moving actuator can injure anyone in its path.

Always clear the actuator area before changing compensation values.

2. Set initial AIC values.

a) Set Convergence Rate, Anticipation, and Impulse Response settings to zero.

b) Keep Crossover Freq., Pre-emphasis Filter, and Operating Band control settings at their default values.

The default values are: Crossover Freq., 0.00 Hz; Pre-emphasis Filter, flat; Operating Band, 0.00 -
100.00 Hz.

c) For Adaptation State, select Hold, and then click Reset. This ensures that adaptation will not occur

while you determine anticipation and impulse response.

Stroke (displacement) control systems may require selection of an F or F2 pre-emphasis filter to allow
the compensator to adapt to a wide range of frequencies.

The operating band specification does not prevent the compensator from adapting outside of the band.
It only reduces the adaptation gain outside the band.

3. Determine Anticipation.

a) Set up the Function Generator to produce a square wave program:

In the Station Manager window, click


For Channel, select the channel using AIC.

258 MTS Series 793 Control Software

Station Setup