Supply module (master project, Output end of the gearbo, 20 glossary – Lenze DSD User Manual

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Lenze · Drive Solution Designer · Manual · DMS 4.2 EN · 12/2013 · TD23




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American measuring system
Examples for imperial units: ft, lb, lbf

Import project

Reconstruction of projects of older DSD versions.


Lenze gearbox

Standard gearboxes, e. g. GST, GKS, GKR, and GFL.

Lenze motor

Standard motors, e.g. MCS, MDXKS, MCA, MDXMA.

Load-matching factor

Ratio of the load moment of inertia reduced to the motor shaft compared to

the intrinsic moment of inertia of the motor.
The load-matching factor is an important appraisal criterion for speed- or an-

gle controlled dynamic acceleration drives.


Master project

Project defining the supply and braking unit for multi-axis dimensionings.

Menu bar

Bar on the upper edge of the application window below the title bar, which

displays the names of menus that are opened by mouse-click.


Measuring system, essentially based on SI units.
Examples for imperial units: m, kg, Nm

Motion profile, predefined accord-

ing to the operating mode

Entry of the motion via a predefined motion profile, based on the standardised

operating modes S1, S2, S3, or S6. The times and direction of movement can

be adapted.

Motion profile, user-definable

There are different options to create a motion profile:

• Graphical creation of the motion profile in the MotionDesigner

• Values can be optimised numerically.

• Creation of the motion profile by importing the operating points.

Multi-axis project

Master or slave project the inverter of which being part of a DC-bus connec-


Master project

Slave project


Network type

Multi-axis system with i700 or multi-axis system with Servo Drives 9400, In-

verter Drives 8400.


Output end

Side to which a load is attached.

Overload capacity

Ratio of the max. torque to the rated torque of a motor-inverter combination.