6 graphic area, 1 creating motion profiles: principles, Graphic area – Lenze DSD User Manual
Page 239: Graphic area ( 239), Creating motion profiles: principles ( 239), 8motion design

Lenze · Drive Solution Designer · Manual · DMS 4.2 EN · 12/2013 · TD23
Motion design
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Graphic area
The graphic area presents the motion profile and parameters graphically. for drawing purposes, dif-
ferent trapezoidal elements, line elements and S-shaped elements are available which form an mo-
tion profile. Created elements can be revised or optimised by changing its values.
Creating motion profiles: Principles
• Before creating or revising, select the motion profile in the Object area.
• Motion profiles can consist of trapezoidal elements, S-shaped elements, line elements and im-
ported elements.
• S-shaped elements may only be used for accelerations or decelerations.
• A motion profile must have the same initial value and final value :
• A trapezoidal elements always starts and ends at standstill (y-value = 0).
• Elements must be connected to each other. They must not overlap.
• Standstill phases (y-value = 0) between two elements are drawn automatically.
• The automatic connectors are indicated as thin lines when the motion profile starts and ends
at standstill.
T Cycle time
y t 0
) y t T