5 "imported profile" tab, Imported profile" tab ( 254), 8motion design – Lenze DSD User Manual
Page 254

Motion design
Lenze · Drive Solution Designer · Manual · DMS 4.2 EN · 12/2013 · TD23
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"Imported profile" tab
In this tab, you can check an imported motion profile or parameter profile and edit it slightly. For
this purpose, the profile must be selected. It can be shifted at will and be scaled in seize. The combi-
nation cannot be undone. Further elements can be preceded or attached to the profile.
The imported dots of the motion profile and the parameters can be checked in the parameter area.
Moreover, you can add more elements to the profile.
Tabular display of the imported dots and data.
• If you select a line in the table, this imported value is displayed in the motion profile as a
Points Number of imported dots.
• Read only.
Show dots When the selection field is activated, it shows the dots on the motion profile in the Graphic
Update Update motion profile if data in the ASCII file has changed.
• The Update button is only active if there is a linkage to the ASCII file.
• During import, a linking to the ASCII file is established. The linking is preserved even af-
ter the motion profile (Imp file) is saved. If the absolute data path changes, the linking
gets lost.
Importing profile data ( 236)
Base values
Grayed out input fields are deactivated. The values are calculated automatically.
Specification – basic values ( 257)
Distance / angle – basic values ( 258)
Velocity / final speed – basic values ( 259)
Final speed
Starting velocity
Starting velocity / starting speed – basic values ( 259)
Starting speed
Apply changes Change the highlighted element in the Graphic area according to the entered values.
The button is only active if an element is selected in the Graphic area.
Attach element Import an element from an ASCII file and attach it to the motion profile in the right Graphic
• The button is only active if no element is selected in the Graphic area.