Yaskawa MP940 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 105

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Serial Transmission Function

MotionSuite™ MP940 Machine Controller Reference Manual


Command Message Transmission Time

• This is the time for transmitting a command message from the master com-

munication port.

• This time depends on the command message length and baud rate, and can be

calculated by the following formula.

• Use the following additions to the data bit number (8 or 7) as bit numbers

corresponding to single characters: status bit (1), step bit (1 or 2), parity bit (1
or 0).

Slave Processing Time

• This is the time which transpires between the receipt of a command message

by the slave, through process execution, to preparation of a return message
through the Memobus port.

• This time relates to the machine controller scan time as well as the number of

coils and registers designated during command messaging, in addition to the
number of processes in each machine controller scan.

• This time is a single scan time, as all functions are executed in a single scan.

Modem Delay Time on Slave Side

• This is the time which transpires between the receipt of a Request Transmis-

sion Signal (RTS) by the modem on the slave side, and the return of a Con-
firm Transmission Signal (CTS).

• This can be ignored in the case of a Yaskawa modem, because this time is

5ms or less.

• This delay does not exist if no modem is used.

Response Message Transmission Time

• This is the time in which a response message is transmitted from a slave

communication port. Just as in command messaging, it is possible to calcu-
late this by the following formula.

• Use the following additions to the data bit number (8 or 7) as bit numbers

corresponding to single characters: status bit (1), step bit (1 or 2), parity bit (1
or 0).

Transmission Time = No. of Command Message Characters × No. of bits per character ×1000

Baud Rate


Transmission Time = No. of Response Message Characters × No. of bits per character × 1000

Baud Rate
