Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 858

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Chapter 5

Overview of the Audio Mixer



 Panning slider: Use to change a clip’s stereo pan. The panning slider in the Audio

Mixer works the same way as the Pan sliders in the Viewer’s audio tabs. Changes
made to the panning slider can be recorded as keyframes in the clip currently
beneath the playhead. Upon playback, the panning slider is automated by the
keyframes, and animates to display the changing pan values in your program.

When you adjust the pan of a stereo audio clip from the Audio Mixer, the panning
sliders of both tracks on which the stereo pair clip appears are locked together. Any
adjustments made to one panning slider affect the other panning slider inversely.

Below the panning slider is a field that displays the exact pan value assigned to the
audio track. To adjust the panning slider numerically, enter a value directly into this field.

Note: If a clip is on a track that is assigned to a mono (discrete) output, the panning
slider for that track is disabled.

 Fader: Faders are vertical sliders used to adjust the audio levels of clips at the

position of the playhead. Using the fader, you can adjust the audio level of a clip
from +12 dB to –∞ dB (silence).

If the Record Audio Keyframes button is selected, changes made to a fader are recorded
as keyframes in the current clip or clips beneath the playhead. Upon playback, faders are
automated by keyframes, and animate to display the changing levels.

Below each fader is a field that displays the exact audio level setting of the fader. To
adjust the fader numerically, enter a value directly into this field.

Tip: The height of the Tool Bench window affects the displayed resolution of the faders
in the Audio Mixer. For example, if you compare the length of faders in taller and
shorter Tool Bench windows, an identical movement results in a greater level change
with the shorter fader, and a smaller level change with the longer fader. This means
that you can achieve more subtle control of a clip’s levels, if necessary, by making the
Tool Bench window taller.