Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1805

background image




equalization and III-152
frequency ranges III-39

Band Slide transition II-394, IV-142
Band Wipe transition II-395, IV-143
bars and tone III-60
Bars and Tone generator III-35, III-491
Base Output Filename option IV-273
base tracks II-125
Basic 3D filter III-212
Basic Border filter III-204
Basic Motion parameter III-220
bass frequencies III-39, III-153
Batch Capture command IV-59
Batch Capture dialog I-255, I-264–I-266, I-267
batch capturing

additional items found I-269
batch capture list IV-408
batch lists I-299–I-304
described I-226, IV-412
EDL considerations IV-137
preparing for I-263
process I-262–I-269
selected clips only I-266–I-268
settings I-264–I-266
space requirements I-266
stopping and restarting I-268
workflows I-262

batch compression IV-412
Batch Export command IV-267–IV-269
batch exports IV-267–IV-276

changing item status IV-277
opening IV-276
performing IV-275
redoing IV-277
selecting items for IV-268–IV-269
settings IV-268, IV-270–IV-274

batch lists I-299–I-304, IV-412

creating I-299–I-302
described I-299
vs. EDLs I-300
exporting I-302
importing I-227, I-300, I-303

batch recapturing IV-412
baud rates IV-325
beats in music III-180

rendering audio and III-537
sound cues III-142
unrendered audio and III-524, III-529

Beep When Playing Unrendered Audio
option III-524, III-529
bels III-40
Best Take label II-212
Betacam SP equipment I-199
Betacam SP format IV-176, IV-177, IV-413

color bars and I-322
connecting equipment I-198
equipment setup I-195

Betacam SX format IV-413
Bevel filter III-204
Bezier curves III-269, III-271–III-272, III-275–III-277,
IV-130, IV-413
Bezier handles III-268–III-272, IV-413

adding to keyframes III-276
adjusting curves III-276–III-277
removing from keyframes III-277

bin icon IV-33
bins II-15–II-22, III-293, III-296

adding items to IV-269
adding to projects II-16
batch exports IV-268–IV-269
batch export settings IV-270
Browser tab for II-19
capturing clips in I-266
changing name of IV-269
closing II-19
creating II-16, IV-268, IV-269
deleting from projects I-58
described I-31, IV-413
export settings IV-270
imported folders I-306
logging bins I-245–I-246, I-256, I-265, IV-425
moving items between II-21
multiclip elements in II-260
opened in separate window IV-33
opening II-17, II-18
renaming I-58
searching II-28–II-30
selecting IV-275
selecting items for Media Manager IV-79
sorting II-27–II-28

bit depth

audio capture I-293, IV-321
audio interfaces III-24
capture presets IV-320
consumer audio I-205
digital audio III-48
exported audio IV-156
imported audio files I-313
imported graphics III-339
imported video files I-311
settings III-33
still images IV-262
video bit depth III-550
video formats IV-350, IV-363

bit depth settings II-90
bitmap files IV-235
bits per second IV-325

black alpha channel III-372
blacks, mids, and whites ranges III-420