Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1288

Chapter 22
Creating Titles
In the Text field, type the text that will appear in your movie.
If you wish, specify additional settings.
Note: Different text generators have different controls.
 Text: Enter your title text in this field.
 Font: Choose a font from the Font pop-up menu.
 Size: Change the font size by entering a value or dragging the slider to the left or right.
 Alignment: Choose the alignment of your title on the screen from this pop-up menu.
Your choices are Left, Center, and Right.
 Font Color: Choose the color of your font by doing one of the following:
 Disclosure triangle: Click to display sliders and number fields corresponding to the
hue, saturation, and brightness of the range of colors available.
 Eyedropper button: Click this button, then click an image in the Viewer or the
Canvas to pick up that color.
 Color picker: Click to choose a color using the standard color picker.
 Hue, Saturation, and Brightness controls (H, S, and B): Hue determines which color is
chosen; saturation determines how vivid the color is. If saturation is 0, the resulting
color is always white. Brightness determines how bright or dark the color is. If
brightness is 0, the resulting color is black; if brightness is 100, the color is the
lightest possible value.
Enter title text in
this field.
Font size slider, with
arrows on either end
Parameter controls for
the Text generator
Reset button
Number field for
the font size