Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1846

background image



recording process

device control presets IV-328
output to VHS tape IV-213
Print to Video command IV-207, IV-208–IV-210
real-time effects and III-528
recording anamorphic video IV-395
recording from Timeline IV-208, IV-211–IV-213
recording to videotape IV-185–IV-205, IV-207–
setting up for IV-208–IV-210
voiceover controls III-140
voiceover settings III-143, III-148–III-150

record monitors I-97, IV-431
record tapes in EDLs IV-120
Rectangle Iris transition IV-142
Rectangle transition II-393
rectangular pixels IV-357
rectangular pixels. See non-square pixels
redigitizing process IV-431
Redo command II-96
Redundant Array of Independent Disks
(RAIDs) I-187, IV-430
Reel/Roll option II-448
reel conflicts IV-128
Reel name property IV-39
Reel property IV-49, IV-50

changing name in Browser IV-138
described IV-431
duplicate timecode and I-258
entering names I-246
identifying in EDLs IV-121
information about I-245
labeling I-239
names I-240, I-282, II-251, II-252
names of IV-17, IV-137–IV-138, IV-141
numbers I-258, IV-136
reel conflicts IV-128
timecode and II-448
timecode breaks and I-282

reference frames IV-218
reference input connectors I-207
reference levels III-58
reference movies I-310, I-318, IV-240–IV-243, IV-255,
reference tones I-292, III-60
Refresh A/V Devices command I-221
relative timecode values II-355
relative volume adjustments III-113
Release time control III-155, III-156
Relink dialog IV-97
remap keyframes III-316, III-318
removable media I-181, I-310
removable media drives I-181
Remove Attributes dialog III-98, III-291
Remove Subclip Limits command II-38

removing. See deleting items
removing items. See deleting items
renaming favorites III-296
renaming items

bins I-58
clips I-58
files I-58
sequences I-58

renaming markers II-64
Render All command III-542
render bar II-410
render bars III-535–III-536, III-537–III-538, IV-431

audio items I-121
colors I-121
imported QuickTime files and I-311

render cache files III-560
Render command III-541
Render Control tab III-549, III-557–III-558, IV-293,
Rendered Frames option I-214
render files II-90, II-410

creating III-533
deleting III-561, IV-26
deleting cache files I-113
described IV-431
generating III-539
invisible tracks and III-562, IV-291
location of III-559
low-resolution III-541
managing III-559–III-562
Media Manager settings IV-83
preserving III-562
reconnecting files IV-69
render cache files III-560
space requirements I-182
Undo command and III-561
updating projects and IV-26

Render Files folder III-559
Render Filters in Multiclip Display option II-283,

anamorphic media IV-399
audio III-115, III-543, III-546
audio and video separately III-540
audio filters III-530, III-537–III-538
audio mixing and III-530
Auto Rendering feature III-548, III-564
avoiding III-563
color space and III-551
commands III-541–III-543
cuts-only sequences III-563
described III-533, IV-431
disabling III-547
effects III-546
indicators III-536–III-538
manually III-540