Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1843

premixes (stem mixes) III-19
preproduction in moviemaking process I-15
Pre-read Edits setting IV-129
pre-roll frames I-281
pre-roll header for voiceover III-148
pre-roll settings IV-212, IV-288, IV-328
Preset Editor window IV-307, IV-308
presets IV-323–IV-327, IV-430
See also settings
audio-only capture presets I-295
audio output III-61, III-62
capture presets. See capture presets
changing IV-303–IV-305
choosing IV-305
Compressor IV-224
creating IV-307–IV-308
customizing IV-309
deleting IV-309
device control presets. See device control presets
differing video rates and timecode II-450
displaying summary of IV-303
editing IV-308
installing IV-313
locked IV-306
obtaining additional IV-313
online editing and IV-59
overview IV-301–IV-303
rendering settings III-556
selecting I-234
sequence presets II-73, II-85, III-549–III-553
sequence presets. See sequence presets
viewing settings for IV-306
working with IV-301–IV-313
Preview area I-230, I-242
Preview edit button IV-202
preview editing IV-187
In and Out points II-107
transitions II-411
previewing audio I-289
previewing edits IV-202
previewing video
Digital Cinema Desktop feature I-216–I-218
external monitors I-211–I-212
Preview Post-roll setting IV-288
Preview Pre-roll setting IV-288
Previous Frame button II-366
primary color correction III-434, III-438
to video IV-328
to videotape IV-207, IV-208–IV-210
Print setting IV-194
Print to Tape command IV-182
Print to Video operations I-215, III-528
described IV-207, IV-430
limitations IV-178
mastering settings IV-193
process IV-208–IV-210
timecode breaks and IV-188
Proc Amp filter III-207
processing amplifiers (Proc Amps) I-325, I-331
processing amplifiers (proc amps) IV-430
processing capabilities III-515, III-520
processing delays (video latency) I-220
Process Maximum White pop-up menu III-555
production in moviemaking process I-15
professional audio equipment III-30
professional equipment
analog audio I-205
audio equipment I-204–I-205
high definition video equipment I-197
synchronizing I-206
video equipment I-194
programs IV-430
progressive segmented frame (psF) IV-367
progressive video scanning IV-337, IV-350, IV-358,
IV-359, IV-366, IV-367
Project area (Media Manager) IV-86
project files II-76
project interchange
audio postproduction IV-145
EDLs and IV-119
Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format IV-163
non–Final Cut Pro systems and IV-60
online editing and IV-52
project interchange formats
Final Cut Pro support I-22
importing I-228
Project Properties window II-444
adding bins to II-16
archiving IV-24, IV-106
autosaving open projects II-73
backing up and restoring II-76–II-77
capturing process I-235
changing properties of II-75
closing I-34, I-35
components of I-27–I-31
consolidating files IV-104
copying clips between IV-45
copying sequences between II-88
copying sequences to IV-98
creating I-32
deleting items from I-58
described I-30, IV-430
documentary-style I-241
exporting XML files IV-163
filenaming schemes I-37–I-38, I-241
importing XML files IV-171
logging process I-235
Media Manager settings IV-86
missing files and IV-75