Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1834

Match pop-up menu II-30
Matrix Wipe transition II-394
Matte Choker filter III-208, III-211, III-391, III-404
Matte generator III-490
mattes III-404–III-407, IV-426
alpha channels and III-387, III-404
described III-385
filters III-210–III-211
Garbage Matte filters III-404
Matte Choker filter III-404
described IV-426
importing I-305–I-315
labeling II-23–II-26
logging I-256–I-257
managing I-227
organizing II-15–II-26
playing at varying speeds I-101–I-102
source media IV-435
Media 100 systems IV-61
Media Alignment settings II-253, II-259
Media area (Media Manager) IV-81
Media Destination area (Media Manager) IV-87
media elements IV-194
Media End column in Browser I-301
Media End header I-301
Media End points. See Media Start and Media End
Media End property IV-39, IV-49, IV-50
media files
analyzing IV-110
archiving IV-106
audio media files IV-53
automatic filenaming I-273
capturing I-19, I-225
capturing audio only I-287
clips and I-35–I-37
compared to clips IV-15
connections to clips IV-64
consolidating into one location IV-104
copying IV-98, IV-99
creating for subclips II-42, IV-103
described I-27
dragging to Timeline I-309
duplicate names I-263
file formats vs. codecs IV-230
filenames I-37
finding files for clips II-28, II-83
found during batch capture I-269
importing into Final Cut Pro I-305–I-310
locations I-35
logging I-225
managing I-283
master clips and IV-41
media management and IV-41
Media Manager operations and IV-81, IV-95
modifying timecode in II-446–II-450
multichannel audio files I-291
multiclips II-251, II-288
names II-252, IV-17
network sharing IV-18
offline IV-64
opening IV-45
optimizing I-312
organizing I-310
properties IV-50
QuickTime media files IV-29
recapturing process and I-278
recompressing IV-101
reconnecting IV-68–IV-74, IV-79
reconnecting clips to II-79
reconnecting to clips I-36
search folder settings IV-295
for sequence clips II-432
shooting ratio I-181
source tapes I-36
subclips and II-38
timecode tracks II-447
“Media limit” message II-358
media management
See also Media Manager
critical techniques IV-15
described IV-13–IV-14
independent clips and IV-46
independent sequence clips and II-433
master and affiliate clips IV-41
reasons for using IV-15
steps IV-16–IV-17
strategies IV-17–IV-18
subclips and II-42
angles and II-250
deleting items IV-87–IV-88
effective media management and IV-15
examples of processes IV-97–IV-107
independent clips and IV-89
limiting copies and deletions IV-90
multiclips in II-288
opening IV-80
overview IV-78, IV-94–IV-97
processing options IV-87–IV-88
recapturing media at full resolution IV-57
selecting items to process IV-79
settings IV-80–IV-87
speed adjustments and IV-89
stopping processes IV-96
subclip media files and II-42
subclips and IV-89
transferring projects IV-61
“Media Offline” message IV-65
Media options IV-194
Media setting IV-195