Overview of audio mixing, Audio finishing features in final cut pro, Chapter 1 – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

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Overview of Audio Mixing

Audio mixing is the process of blending the sounds
of your movie together by adding filters and adjusting
levels and pan settings.

This chapter covers the following:


Audio Finishing Features in Final Cut Pro

(p. 15)


Overview of Audio Sweetening in Final Cut Pro

(p. 17)


Making the Final Mix

(p. 19)

Audio Finishing Features in Final Cut Pro

Once your movie is edited and the picture is locked, you “sweeten” the soundtrack by
adding music, voiceover, and sound effects. When all the audio elements are in place,
you mix the audio by adjusting levels and pan settings and adding filters.

You can finish your movie soundtrack directly in Final Cut Pro, or you can export your
audio tracks to another audio editing application, create a final mix, and then import
the finished mix into Final Cut Pro for final output.

Audio Sweetening Features
Final Cut Pro provides tools for audio sweetening (including cleanup) and real-time
mixing. Audio sweetening features in Final Cut Pro allow you to:

 Edit and synchronize audio and video clips. (See Volume II, Chapter 17, “Audio

Editing Basics.”)

 Add voiceover and rerecord production dialogue in sync with your sequence video.

(See Chapter 8, “

Using the Voice Over Tool

,” on page 135.)

 Add additional audio tracks for Foley effects, sound effects, and music.
 Add audio filters for cleaning up original production sound by filtering out unwanted

frequencies and compressing or expanding the dynamic range of your mix. (See
Chapter 9, “

Using Audio Filters

,” on page 151.)

 Add audio cross fades to smooth over cuts between audio clip items in the Timeline.

(See Volume II, Chapter 21, “Adding Transitions.”)