Working with master and affiliate clips, Using master and affiliate clips, Chapter 4 – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1392

Working With
Master and Affiliate Clips
Master-affiliate clip relationships make it easy to manage
multiple uses of media files in your project.
This chapter covers the following:
Using Master and Affiliate Clips
Master-Affiliate Clip Properties
Using Master and Affiliate Clips
As you edit, the distinction between master and affiliate clips is usually not very
important. However, when you need to recapture or reconnect your media, master and
affiliate clips can save you a lot of time. Although master-affiliate clip relationships add
a level of complexity to media management in Final Cut Pro, it also provides
unprecedented flexibility.
To make media management simpler, each media file in your project should be
represented by a single master clip. Each time you edit a master clip into a sequence,
an affiliate is created which refers to its media file via its master clip. If the media file is
deleted, and all of the affiliate clips become offline, you can simply reconnect the
master clip and all the clips that refer to that media file are reconnected. Without the
master-affiliate clip relationship, you would have to reconnect each clip that referred to
the media file individually. The same is true when you recapture media files. By
recapturing the media file for a master clip, all the affiliate clips also refer to the newly
captured media immediately.