Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 1807

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selecting items for Batch Export IV-268
selecting items for Media Manager IV-79
sequences in II-98–II-100
sorting items in II-27–II-28, II-99
tabs for bins II-19
tabs in I-49
timecode columns II-446
tooltips in I-59
using a custom layout in I-70
viewing items in I-54
working with I-55–I-58

built-in analog audio I-201
built-in audio III-24, III-33
built-in audio cards IV-320
built-in digital audio I-201
Bumpmap filter III-206
button bars I-46, I-153–I-156, II-274
Button List window I-154


cables I-185, I-186, III-28–III-29, IV-329
cache files I-113, IV-297

QuickView window and III-304
real-time playback and III-515
render cache files III-560

calculating hard disk space I-182

analog video I-330
broadcast monitors I-331
capture offset I-207
color bars I-322
described I-321, IV-414
timecode IV-136, IV-182, IV-332, IV-332–IV-334
vectorscopes I-325
video level measurements I-323
waveform monitors I-325

camcorder audio quality III-49

16:9 CCDs IV-395
16:9 Wide button IV-395, IV-396
audio channels and I-292
audio quality I-313
Camera mode IV-330
capturing video with I-270
connecting I-164
connecting video monitor through I-209
device control I-277, IV-328–IV-329
DV camcorders IV-329
external monitors and I-211
FireWire and IV-329, IV-330
manual use of IV-331
Print to Video command IV-210
problems with IV-402, IV-406, IV-407
recording from Timeline IV-211–IV-213

resetting timecode to zero I-257
settings IV-180
smooth recording speed IV-212
timecode breaks and I-279
VCR mode IV-330
video formats and I-24

camera angles I-250
camera angles. See angles
Camera mode IV-180, IV-330
camera motion, adding III-348–III-352
camera-stand techniques III-335
Canceled option IV-273
Canvas IV-403, IV-414

audio levels in III-76
closing sequences in II-87
compared to Timeline I-111
compared to Viewer I-97
controls in I-77–I-79, I-92–I-95
creating motion effects in III-236–III-247
described I-87
displaying items in II-406
dragging audio clips to II-301
edit buttons II-151
editing controls I-90, I-91
editing in II-149–II-152
Edit Overlay I-91
edit points in II-108–II-117, II-243–II-246
illustrated I-44
keyframed motion paths in III-272–III-280
markers in II-54–II-56
match frame operations II-433
moving and resizing window I-139
navigating in I-97
opening sequences in I-88, II-86
overview I-89–I-90
Playhead Sync pop-up menu I-84, I-96
playing clips in I-98–I-100
setting keyframes in III-257
split edits in II-238
switching to Timeline or Viewer II-429
synchronizing playhead with Viewer II-434–II-437
tabs I-49, I-88
timecode overlays I-106
Timeline and I-109
two-up display in II-406
“Unrendered” message III-537
using timecode in I-105–I-108
View pop-up menu I-83, I-96
wireframe handles III-240–III-247
wireframe modes III-236–III-238
zoom controls III-239–III-240
Zoom pop-up menu I-96

Canvas Edit Overlay II-424
capstans IV-188
Capture Batch button I-234, I-265
capture buttons I-229