Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1046

Chapter 13
Adjusting Parameters for Keyframed Effects
Move the pointer over the keyframe you want to modify (it becomes a crosshair), then
drag the keyframe up or down.
 To raise the keyframe’s value, drag the keyframe up.
 To lower the keyframe’s value, drag the keyframe down.
To adjust a parameter value between two keyframes:
Move the pointer over the section of the parameter’s keyframe graph line (the pointer
turns into the Adjust Line Segment pointer), then drag that area up or down to modify it.
Note: The keyframes on either side of the adjusted section are changed simultaneously.
To adjust the values of an entire parameter with all keyframes simultaneously:
Press and hold down the Shift key, then move the pointer over a parameter’s keyframe
graph line (the pointer turns into the Adjust Line Segment pointer).
Drag the parameter’s keyframe graph line up or down to change the value.
As you drag, a box displays the new values for the overlay.
Note: This method changes the values for that parameter over the course of your entire
clip, keeping the relative shape of the keyframes and interpolated values intact.
To move a keyframe forward or backward in time:
Move the pointer over the keyframe you want to move (the pointer turns into a
crosshair), then drag the keyframe forward (right) or backward (left).
As you drag, a box shows the timecode duration of the change you’re making.
As you drag, a box
shows the new value
of the keyframe.
Drag the area up or down
to adjust a section.