Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1329

Part III
 Audio: Renders only the audio items in the selected region of the sequence. Select
one or both of the options that appear below to choose which audio items will be
rendered; audio items appearing with red render bars, and/or item-level rendering
for clips that need to be resampled or that have filters applied.
Render All Submenu
The commands in the Render All submenu render all the clips corresponding to the
selected Timeline playback states in a sequence, regardless of whether or not you’ve
selected a region of the Timeline.
 Both: Renders both the video and audio of the sequence. Several menu items
representing each video and audio Timeline playback state appear underneath.
Selecting and deselecting specific render states allow you to control which clips are
rendered (selected menu items appear checked). For example, you can set up the
Render All command to render all the effects in your sequence that won’t output to
video at broadcast quality, to make sure that your sequence outputs at the highest
quality possible.
 Video: Renders only the video items in the sequence. Six menu items appear
underneath, corresponding to each of the Timeline playback states. Only clips with
one of the selected Timeline playback states (appearing checked) are rendered.
 Audio: Renders only the audio items in the sequence. Select one or both of the
options that appear below to choose which audio items will be rendered; audio
items appearing with red render bars, and/or item level rendering for clips that need
to be resampled or that have filters applied.