Strategies for media management, P. 17) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

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Chapter 1

Media Management



Step 5:

The final cut (online edit) and outputting to tape

When you are finished with your edit, you can use the Media Manager to duplicate
your finished sequence using full-resolution settings. Each clip in this sequence has full-
resolution settings, which you can use to recapture all the necessary media to create
the final cut at full resolution. Once recapturing is complete, you can apply any
necessary color correction, titles, transitions, and so on, and then output to tape.

Strategies for Media Management

It’s a good idea to pick a strategy for media management before you begin your
project. Some important things to consider as part of your strategy are:

Reel Name Conventions
This affects recapturing in Final Cut Pro or any other editing system. Reel numbers
must be correct so that Final Cut Pro asks for the proper tape when you recapture
media. Some Edit Decision List (EDL) formats have strict rules for reel names, so be
conservative with your reel names if there is even a slight chance you will export an
EDL for your project. For more information about reel name limitations in EDLs, see

Reel Name Restrictions in EDLs

” on page 136.

Clip Name Conventions
Clips can get their names several ways. If you log clips individually, a clip name is
derived from a combination of the description, shot/take, scene, and angle properties
of a clip. However, if you create clips by importing a batch list, EDL, or Final Cut Pro
XML, you may name the clips independently of these other properties. In either case,
choose a fairly concise but descriptive name.

If you are working on a narrative, scene name and take number may be sufficient
because the shooting script provides the information you need to order your shots.
However, unplanned footage for news or documentaries requires more descriptive

Try to avoid special characters in clip names. This is especially important if you happen
to use the Media Manager to create new media files based on clip names.

Remember that clips in Final Cut Pro have many properties besides the Name field to
add descriptive information. Log notes, comments, the Mark Good property, labels, and
markers within clips can be used to describe your clips more accurately.

Media Filename Conventions
Avoid special characters for filenames. If you are logging clips in the Log and Capture
window, the name of your clip determines the name of the file, so this means you
should avoid special characters in clip names too. Don’t change media filenames
directly in the Finder, or your clips will go offline.