Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1808

capture cards. See video cards
Capture Clip button I-234, I-245, I-270
Capture Now button I-234, I-272–I-275, I-296
Capture Offset field IV-327
Capture option IV-196
Capture pop-up menu I-265
Capture Preset Editor IV-315, IV-319, IV-322
Capture Preset pop-up menu I-266
capture presets IV-315–IV-322
advanced settings IV-319
anamorphic video IV-396
batch capturing I-263
capturing audio only IV-321–IV-322
described IV-302, IV-315
DV audio channels and I-292
general settings IV-316
QuickTime settings IV-317–IV-320
selecting I-234, I-266
third-party video cards and IV-315
Capture Presets tab IV-316
Capture property IV-36
Capture Settings tab I-234, I-255
Capture Status property IV-49
capturing process
aborting I-280, IV-286
audio I-285–I-297
audio/video files captured separately I-173
audio and video levels I-256
audio choices III-65
audio levels III-58
batch capturing I-262–I-269
calibrating capture offset I-207
calibrating timecode IV-332
capture cards IV-316
Capture Clip button I-270
capture settings IV-183
capturing anamorphic media IV-391–IV-396
capturing audio IV-321–IV-322, IV-407
capturing entire tapes I-271–I-275
capturing video I-261–I-283
capturing while logging I-256
changing settings I-255
copying capture settings III-289
data rates I-180
described I-19, I-225, IV-414
device control and I-270
EDL considerations IV-136
exporting EDLs and IV-138
frame rates and I-268
hard disk requirements I-182
high-resolution media files IV-54
vs. importing I-306
Log and Capture window settings I-229–I-234
low-resolution media files IV-54
manual video capture I-176, I-276–I-277
media management and IV-16
Media Manager and I-283
multiple video decks I-178
OfflineRT format IV-56
preparing for I-235
presets I-234, IV-302
problems with IV-407
recapturing clips I-278
resolution and I-276
selecting tracks for I-253–I-255
subclips and I-273
synchronized audio and video I-296
techniques I-226–I-228, I-262–I-277
timecode breaks and I-279–I-282
using non-controllable devices I-176, I-276–I-277
video DVDs and IV-217
cards. See video cards
Cartesian geometry III-223
cassette shapes for videotape IV-351
CCDs (charged coupling devices) IV-395
CD audio I-315
.cdda extension I-305, I-315, IV-236
CD players I-205
CD-RW drives I-181
center handles III-238
center points
center points of clips IV-414
Center Split Slide transition II-394, IV-142
Center Wipe transition II-395, IV-143
CG (Character Generator) IV-414
Channel Blur filter III-204
Channel Compositor transition II-393
Channel Grouped option IV-157, IV-339
Channel Map transition II-393, IV-142
Channel number display IV-343
Channel Offset filter III-204
channels IV-130, IV-414
alpha channels I-316, III-371, IV-233
assigning audio tracks to IV-155
audio. See audio channels
audio alert messages III-34
bit depth and IV-363
capture presets IV-321
capturing multiple channels IV-321
channel 1 IV-414
channel 2 IV-414
channel filters III-204
channel strips III-70
configuring audio export IV-156
DV devices and I-292
graphic alpha channels III-344
meters I-289
mono and stereo audio I-254
multichannel audio IV-204
multichannel audio capture I-205, I-253, I-287