Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1857

in batch lists I-301
blacking video IV-184
breaks IV-137, IV-405
Browser columns for II-446
calibrating IV-136, IV-182, IV-327, IV-332–IV-334
capturing IV-328–IV-329
capturing footage without I-276
clip duration and II-106
clip time vs. source time II-443
compared to frame rates II-440, IV-385
compared to video rates II-448
comparison chart IV-387
consumer mini-DV devices IV-182
custom hour numbers I-240
default mode in presets IV-326
described I-25, II-439, IV-383, IV-438
determining type of IV-383
device control presets IV-326
display options II-440–II-445
dragging values to other fields I-106
drop frame and non-drop frame I-26, I-124, I-244
drop frame timecode II-440, IV-130, IV-383–
IV-389, IV-418
duplicate timecode II-439
duplicate timecode numbers I-257–I-259
DVCPRO HD format and IV-197
edit to tape operations IV-191
EDLs and IV-120, IV-136, IV-138, IV-161
ending timecode II-83
entering I-52
feet + frames timecode II-441
format of IV-383
gaps I-282
In and Out point settings II-106
incoming clips II-368
leader and trailer elements IV-195
longitudinal timecode IV-326, IV-386
LTC IV-386
marker duration and II-67
Media Manager operations and IV-88
merged clips and II-46, II-449
modifying II-446–II-450
moving clips with II-196–II-199, II-356
moving markers with II-65
moving playhead III-193
multiclip sequences and II-253, II-257
multiple camera shoots II-249
navigating with I-105–I-106, I-132
non-drop frame timecode II-440, IV-383–IV-389,
NTSC footage and I-228
offset IV-332, IV-332–IV-334
overlapping II-259, II-265–II-266
overlays I-83, I-106, I-107, II-445
precision editing II-355
problems with IV-405, IV-406
QuickTime files IV-231
rates in sequence presets IV-337
recapturing process and II-446
searching for items by II-188–II-189
serial connection IV-331
sliding clips with II-324
slipping clips with II-328
source timecode II-440
speed settings and III-333
starting timecode II-83, II-259, II-262–II-264
start time I-124, IV-130
sync color coding I-106, I-108
synchronized audio and video capture I-297
synchronizing merged clips with II-46
synchronizing multiclips with II-255, II-261
timecode breaks I-270, I-279–I-282
timecode burn-ins I-301
timecode gaps IV-438
timecode tracks II-442, IV-113, IV-188, IV-229
transferring audio to timecoded media I-296
trim edits and II-357
in Trim Edit window II-367
understanding IV-15
user-programmable IV-137
vertical interval timecode IV-326, IV-386
video I-108
on videotape IV-386
window burns II-445, II-452
timecode breaks
accounting for I-263
avoiding I-279
capturing process and I-279–I-282
capturing techniques I-270
recapture process and I-283
timecode gaps I-282
types of I-281
Timecode Duration field I-74, I-90, I-104, I-230,
Timecode field II-448
Timecode Generator filter II-452
Timecode Insert control IV-191
Timecode Rate pop-up IV-337
Timecode Reader filter II-452
Timecode Synchronization pop-up menu II-259
Time Display option II-75
Time Display pop-up menu II-444
Time Graph III-318, III-329, III-331
Time Graph Output parameter III-333
time lapse IV-378
time-lapse photography IV-380
Audio Controls button I-118, I-119
audio editing II-304–II-308
audio levels III-21, III-109–III-113, III-128–III-129
audio waveforms I-125
automating audio levels III-128