Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1662

Chapter 23
Audio/Video Settings and Easy Setups
To move an Easy Setup to another Final Cut Pro editing system:
Copy the Easy Setup file from its stored location on your hard disk to another disk or
storage medium.
To delete a custom Easy Setup:
Quit Final Cut Pro.
Drag the Final Cut Pro preferences file to the Trash.
This file is in the following location:
[Home]/Library/Preferences/Final Cut Pro User Data
Locate the custom Easy Setup file you want to delete.
Files are located by default at:
/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Custom Settings
Drag the Easy Setup file to the Trash.
To make an Easy Setup unavailable:
Quit Final Cut Pro.
Drag the desired Easy Setup file out of the following folder:
/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Custom Settings
You can leave this file on your hard disk for future use or you can drag it to the Trash.
Drag the Final Cut Pro Preferences file to the Trash.
This file is located in the following path:
[Home]/Library/Preferences/Final Cut Pro User Data
If you don’t delete this preferences file, the Easy Setup will still appear in the Easy Setup
window and the Choose Setup window (for an initial setup).
Launch Final Cut Pro.
Choose your initial setup.
The Easy Setup you made available no longer appears in the list.
For more information, see Volume I, Chapter 13, “Connecting DV Video Equipment and
Specifying Initial Settings.”
To restore the original Easy Setups that came with Final Cut Pro:
Reinstall the software.
Tip: Easy Setups stored on any computers in your network are available in your local
Final Cut Pro application. This makes it easy for a single editing system to share its Easy
Setups with all other Final Cut Pro editing systems on the network.