Filenaming considerations, P. 37) – Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

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Chapter 3

Understanding Projects, Clips, and Sequences



An offline clip has a red slash through its icon in the Browser. In the Timeline, an
offline clip appears white (when you play back your sequence in the Canvas, offline
clips display a “Media Offline” message). To view these clips properly in your project, you
need to reconnect the clips to their corresponding media files at their new locations on
disk. This reestablishes the connection between the clips and their media files.

Final Cut Pro allows you to reconnect clips to media files in whatever way suits your
project. For example, you can work on one project on two different editing systems
that both contain the same media files. When you transfer the project from one system
to another, you can easily reconnect the project clips to the local media files. For more
information on reconnecting offline clips, see Volume IV, Chapter 6, “Reconnecting Clips
and Offline Media.”

Filenaming Considerations

Proper filenaming is one of the most critical aspects of media and project
management. When you capture your media files, consider how and where your files
may be used in the future. Naming your files simply and consistently makes it easier to
share media among multiple editors, transfer projects to other editing systems, move
files across a network, and properly restore archived projects. The following sections
present several issues to consider when naming project files and media files.

Offline clips
in the Timeline

Offline clips in the
