Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual

Page 174

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Chapter 13

Connecting DV Video Equipment and Specifying Initial Settings




To capture video and audio to separate files, select the “Capture Audio and Video to
Separate Files” option.

When you capture video and audio to separate files, two media files are saved on your
hard disk, but the clips appear in your project as merged clips. Capturing your video and
audio as separate files allows you to divide the workload between two scratch disks,
maximizing the performance of each scratch disk you’re using so that you can capture
your video at the highest possible data rate. Video and audio files captured as separate
files have the same name, with _v appended to video and _a appended to audio files.
The files are also captured to two separate folders named Capture Scratch and Audio
Capture Scratch, respectively.

Note: For capturing DV media, it’s usually best to leave this option disabled.


Check the boxes next to the type of files you want to store on each scratch disk: Video
Capture, Audio Capture, Video Render, and Audio Render.


To set locations for the waveform and thumbnail cache files and the Autosave Vault folder:


Click Set next to the appropriate item.


In the dialog that appears, locate and find the disk you want to use.


Click Select (the button includes the name of the disk you selected).

The specified disk is listed next to the Set button, along with the amount of available
disk space. The amount of space that the caches use is determined by the Thumbnail
Cache setting in the Memory & Cache tab of the System Settings window. For more
information, see Volume IV, Chapter 22, “Choosing Settings and Preferences.” For
information about the Autosave feature, seeVolume IV, Chapter 2, “Backing Up and
Restoring Projects.”


Specify additional settings for capturing and exporting files.

 Minimum Allowable Free Space On Scratch Disks: Enter a value to set the minimum space

you want to keep available on a scratch disk. If you have limited scratch disk space, you
may want to set this to the amount of disk space you want available for render files. If
you use most of your disk space for captured clips, you may run out of space when
rendering transitions, and clips with filters or motion parameters applied to them.

 Limit Capture/Export File Segment Size To: If you’re capturing or exporting clips that

may be used on other systems with a file size limitation, you may want to select this
option. Any files that are larger than the limit entered here (which defaults to 2 GB)
are written as separate files, in which the end of one file contains a reference to the
next (so the first file appears to be a continuous file).

 Limit Capture Now To: This option limits the duration of media files captured using

the Capture Now command. This can be useful if you want to capture an entire tape
without monitoring the entire process. For example, you can set the limit to
64 minutes, begin the Capture Now process, then leave and return several hours
later. Instead of capturing until your scratch disk is filled, Final Cut Pro stops
capturing after 64 minutes.