Apple Final Cut Pro 5 User Manual
Page 1804

scrolling through I-138
scrolling vertically through II-137–II-139
selecting II-178, II-185–II-188, II-191–II-193
selecting all clips on II-185
selecting for capture I-253–I-255
selecting items forward or backward on II-186
selection tools II-185–II-188
separation II-147
in sequences II-86
soloing III-70, III-82
sound effects IV-146
Source controls I-113
stereo or dual mono III-66
stereo pairs II-235
stereo recordings III-46
switching angles II-279
in Timeline I-114
track strips in Audio Mixer III-77–III-78
types of IV-146
views of III-77–III-78
visibility III-69
voiceover III-138, III-141, III-145, IV-146
waveforms II-304
working with regions II-137–II-139
audio transition icon IV-34
audio transitions
adding II-382
default II-381, II-390
saving as favorites II-390
swapping II-389
types of II-376
Audio Units IV-412
Audio Units plug-ins III-152, III-173
Audio-Video Interleaved format. See AVI format
audio-video sync (A/V sync) II-219–II-234
asymmetrical edits and II-337
marking clips in sync II-233–II-234
moving items into sync II-228–II-234
moving items out of sync II-221–II-222
multiple linked audio items II-223–II-224
reasons for breaking sync II-233
replace edits and II-163
selecting linked items II-227
slipping clips into sync II-229
subframe synchronization II-311–II-312
Aud Rate property IV-35, IV-50
AU format I-305
Auto Black Level button III-446, III-455
Auto Contrast button III-446, III-455
Auto Contrast controls III-446, III-455, III-456
“Automatically edit new multiclip(s)” option II-260
automatic dialogue replacement III-17
automatic filenaming I-273
Automatic Save Every setting II-73, IV-285
automation. See mixer automation
auto-recording feature IV-328
Auto Rendering feature III-548, III-564
Auto Render option IV-287, IV-412
autosave feature II-77, IV-20–IV-23
autosave files IV-20–IV-23
first-in, first-out strategy IV-22
power failures and IV-23
autosave files I-39
Autosave Vault II-73, II-77, IV-20–IV-23
Auto Select controls I-114
copying clips from sequences II-416
copying operations and II-204
destination of pasted clips II-127
specifying tracks II-191–II-193
Timeline selections II-176
track precedence II-115
Auto Select option III-292
Auto White Level button III-446, III-455
auxiliary sources in EDLs IV-121
auxiliary timecode tracks II-47, II-255, II-442
Aux TC checkboxes II-448
Aux TC properties IV-36
Aux TC tracks II-47
Aux timecode tracks IV-88, IV-138
average audio levels III-51, III-54, III-60
average audio meters III-52
average loudness IV-412
averaging meters IV-412
Avid 24-track EDLs IV-134
Avid systems IV-61
AVI format I-305, IV-232, IV-246, IV-257–IV-259,
AVI QuickTime movie files IV-257–IV-259
axis IV-412
AX reel name IV-121
background clips III-225
background modes III-237
background noise II-290, II-313, III-18, III-19, III-179
backgrounds I-84
backgrounds, clips III-380
background screens, keying and III-388–III-390
background tones IV-146
backing up items I-276
backing up projects II-76–II-77
archiving IV-24
autosave feature IV-20–IV-23
consolidating files IV-106
Revert Project command and IV-20
back lights IV-412
backtiming clips II-112, II-113, II-169, II-172–II-173
Balance control III-445
balanced audio signals III-28
balanced XLR connectors I-205
Balance Reset button III-446